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May 18, 2022

The Importance of an Annual Insurance Review

It is critical that every homeowner or business undertakes an annual insurance review. Regular reviews are equally essential to ensuring that your policy continues to be a good fit for your coverage needs and budget.

In a single year, a lot can happen that can have a significant impact on your insurance costs, coverage options, and limitations, among other things. Among these are the following:

  • Marrying or divorcing
  • Children graduating from high school/empty nest/child off to college
  • Beginning a new job
  • Recruitment of new employees
  • Purchase new commercial equipment
  • Establishing a new enterprise
  • Accepting elderly parents into your home
  • The acquisition or receipt of an ostentatious gift
  • Your immediate family member has died
  • Mortgage repayment

Is this to say that I must immediately contact my insurance agent whenever I purchase new furniture or a family member moves in for six months? Not always. While more significant changes (such as marriage, divorce, or the purchase of a new car) should be reported immediately, items such as upgrading your home entertainment system or upgrading your sound system can be reported during your annual insurance review.

Call our office for a free review. Please contact us or give us a call to learn more.  You can also request a quote if you’re ready to start on a policy.  Valley oaks Insurance Agency is proud to provide insurance in Roseville, Sacramento, Lincoln, Granite Bay, Rancho Cordova, and Folsom, CA.  We also serve other areas in the state.

The information shared in this blog is provided and written on an opinion basis and for informational purposes, they do solely represent the opinions of Valley Oaks Insurance.



Give us a call today; we are ready to review your coverage.

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