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September 23, 2024

Insurance Considerations for College Students

For college students, insurance may not be top of mind, but it plays a vital role in financial protection during a time of transition. Whether living in a dorm or off-campus, students face unique risks, and it’s important to consider the following types of insurance:

1. Health Insurance

Most colleges require health insurance, and students can remain on their parents’ plan until age 26. Alternatively, they can explore student health plans through their university or the Affordable Care Act marketplace. Ensuring coverage is crucial for handling unexpected medical emergencies, routine checkups, or mental health services.

2. Renters Insurance

Many students live off-campus in rental housing, which makes renters insurance a must. Renters insurance covers personal belongings such as electronics, furniture, and clothes in the event of theft, fire, or other damage. Additionally, it offers liability protection if someone gets injured in the rented space.

3. Auto Insurance

If students bring a car to campus, maintaining auto insurance is essential. Parents may keep the student on their policy, but if the student lives out of state, it may require adjusting coverage. Students should also ensure adequate liability and collision protection.

4. Tuition Insurance

Unexpected events like medical issues or family emergencies may cause students to withdraw from school. Tuition insurance provides reimbursement for lost tuition fees if the student is unable to complete the semester due to such circumstances.

5. Identity Theft Protection

College students are often prime targets for identity theft due to their frequent online activity and use of unsecured networks. Identity theft protection offers monitoring services and financial recovery options in case personal information is compromised.

College is an exciting time, but it comes with its share of risks. From health and auto insurance to renters and tuition coverage, students should review their options to ensure they are adequately protected. Taking proactive steps with the right insurance policies can safeguard their financial future while allowing them to focus on their studies.

The information shared in this blog is provided and written on an opinion basis and for informational purposes, they do solely represent the opinions of Valley Oaks Insurance.

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