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October 18, 2022

Halloween Safety

Kids love the magic of Halloween: Trick-or-treating, classroom parties, and trips to a neighborhood haunted house. But for moms and dads, often there is a fine line between Halloween fun and safety concerns, especially when it comes to road and pedestrian safety.

Did you know that Halloween is the second highest-grossing commercial holiday after Christmas? Did you also know that children are more likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year? Kids love to dress up, get together with friends, and go door-to-door, hoping to find the full-size candy bar, so keep them safe by doing a little pre-planning. Here are some pointers for ensuring your house is a safe place for trick-or-treaters on October 31.

Never Drink & Drive – Halloween is a great time for parties, but sometimes that means drinking. Never get behind the wheel after you’ve had alcohol.

Safety Tips

·         Use the buddy system

·         Stay on the sidewalk

·         Be aware of neighborhood dogs when trick-or-treating, and remember that pets can be a threat when you approach their homes.

·         Ensure costumes are flame-resistant and fit properly.

·         Tell your children not to accept or eat anything that isn’t commercially wrapped.

·         Make your children visible. Go early and carry flashlights. Give your children glow necklaces to wear and put reflective tape on their costumes or clothing. You can buy reflective tape at most hardware stores.

·         Young children shouldn’t wear masks. Depending on the child’s size, they could cause breathing problems or obstructed vision.

·         Watch out for animals. They may be confused by all the Halloween happenings and act aggressively.

·         Always trick-or-treat in familiar neighborhoods and at homes of people you know.

·         Drive slowly and follow traffic signals and the rules of the road. Exit driveways and alleyways carefully. Have children get out of your car on the curbside, not on the traffic side. Watch for children in the street and on medians. Expect some children to dart out in front of you.

Homeowners Insurance

Your home is one of your biggest assets, and it’s important to do all that you can to protect it. We’ll help you plan for the unexpected with insurance coverage that’s just right for you and your family.

Your home is both a valuable asset and the center of your life, so it’s extra-important to cover every risk with homeowners’ insurance. Get the right policy, and you’ll take care of the small and large risks related to owning a house at the same time.

Call our office for a free review. Please contact us or give us a call to learn more.  You can also request a quote if you’re ready to start on a policy.  Valley oaks Insurance Agency is proud to provide insurance in Roseville, Sacramento, Lincoln, Granite Bay, Rancho Cordova, and Folsom, CA.  We also serve other areas in the state.

The information shared in this blog is provided and written on an opinion basis and for informational purposes, they do solely represent the opinions of Valley Oaks Insurance.

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